This is for sure the most cost efficient pump that delivers the oxygen you need for a basic home made 12-14 gallon Tupperware/Rubbermaid Deep Water Culture system. Two outlets means you can run two stones on separate sides of your tank. In a 12-14 gallon tank with 2 stones there will be a heavy flow of bubbles gushing to the surface of the water and keeping the nutrient solution moving constantly. You can adjust the pressure, but full blast is just fine for me. They run very quiet and they don't jump all over the place let alone even move. I use a different pump for an Oxygen Shield Diffuser, this works well for extra large stones.
This specific model with two outlets is best suited for my Rubbermaid tubs, which are used most often by DIY'ers DWC set-up's, using one pump to each tub. There are other models with more outlets, up to 8, and a smaller one with just one outlet. All priced accordingly to size. You can find them at Sunlight Supply, you can find Sunlight Supply by clicking on the flowers at the top of this page. Be well....